Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Junior Church

We believe children are best reached in a way suitable to their learning ability, their level of maturity, and their style of learning. Our Junior Church is available, at the parent's discretion, for Pre-K through 5th grade age children. Our Junior Church Curriculum (and Sunday School Curriculum) is a 50-lesson series, "Firm Foundations" by New Tribes Mission which builds a steadfast faith on the doctrinal (teaching) foundation contained in Genesis chapters 1 through 11 through the life of Christ. The same spiritual truth and Bible doctrine taught in Sunday School, will be taught from a different perspective and will include a practical application for your child to identify with, in that particular lessons's scripture.
This is an organized time of learning as well as a fun time for the children. They will sing Christian and patriotic children's songs, many of which will have actions to help use up some of their great energy.  A fun review/quiz time follows to help us reinforce their previous Sunday School lesson. After they settle back down, we have a time for prayer and learning our memory verse. Each lesson begins with a skit, followed by the story and a children's' worksheet geared to help them build a firm biblical foundation for life. We also incorporate flannelgraph backgrounds and over 300 large and colorful Betty Luken flannelgraph figures which help relate all the great stories of the Bible to your children. We endeavor to use all methods to enrich their ability to retain the lesson taught that day.
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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